3/2/2017- 3/5/2017

Skylight Clarkson North
572 Washington Street
NY NY, 10014

Corey Escoto
Amanda Friedman
EJ Hauser
Kristen Jensen

Corey Escoto, Desperate Last Grasp, 2017
Impossible silver shade instant film
in plexiglass and steel artist frame
8 x 10 inches
19.25 x 24.5 inches (framed)

EJ Hauser, the original watcher, 2017
oil on canvas
40 x 32 inches

Kristen Jensen, Heavy Makes You Happy Vl, 2016
stoneware, denim, velvet, metal, and steel
75 x 23 x 23 inches

Amanda Friedman, Secret Name, 2017, pillow case, plastic X-mas light holder, copper wire, lighting gels, linen, silk top, found metal, approximately 59 x 7 x 3 inches